
Ministry of Care

Reaching out and caring for children, youth and adults

showing T.L.C.

(Tyner’s Love & Care)

VISITATION MINISTRY provides and opportunity for Care Bear members to visit our homebound members, members in retirement centers, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and in the hospital.

“CARE-A-VAN” MINISTRY provides transportation for our church family should they need assistance in going to doctor visits.

TELEPHONE MINISTRY involves calling TUMC church family to wish them happy birthday or happy anniversary.

“LOVE” NOTES are sent each month to homebound members and members in retirement centers and nursing homes to share with them and let them know how much we care about them.

GREETING CARD MINISTRY sends cards to members of our congregation in times of loss. Cards of encouragement are sent to cancer patients to let them know we care and are praying for them.

Cards are also sent to new members welcoming them to our congregation.

At Christmas, the congregation has the opportunity to send cards to our homebound members and those in retirement/nursing homes. These cards are delivered by our Care Bears. Also, Christmas cards and notes are sent to military personnel related to our church family, thanking them for their service to our country.

COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES are sent to those of our congregation who are away at college.

TO WELCOME NEWBORNS, the Casserole Ministry provides a meal to the family. A children’s Bible and a baby quilt are presented at that time.

The Care Bear Ministry consists of 34 caring, devoted members of the Tyner UMC congregation. If you would like to know more about this ministry for yourself, a loved one or if you would like to volunteer, please contact the church office by calling (423) 892-0444 or email

We should do good to everyone, and especially to those who belong to our family in the faith.
Galatians 6:10b