Procedures for use of TUMC Bus
The Tyner Traveler’s Committee has met and decided that since our church bus is being used so much there needed to be guidelines developed for the use of it. We wanted to make sure that all church members and groups were aware of the new policy.
Tyner Travelers would love to see more groups using the church bus. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful opportunity for travel for our church family.
- If you are planning a trip for a group, you will need to check with Mary Nesbitt ( 892-0364 or 488-2673) or Midge Theodore ( 227-5870 or 892-2193). They will be responsible for entering the date on the church calendar. Midge will be in charge of publicity and will get the news out to the church and church groups.
- If your trip is not open to the entire church you will need to meet with Mary and Midge to ensure that the driver is secured, liability disclaimer forms, mileage and planning is complete to cover costs. Also, you will be responsible for making sure that the bus is left clean on the interior after the trip.
- If the trip is open to the entire church then, the the committee will take care of the planning after your have submitted a request with information about time, place, and location.
- We are requesting that there must be at least 25 passengers on a trip. If a small group that would like to travel, there is a van available that will carry eleven passengers plus a driver.
- Children under 18 years of age must have a completed release-of-liability form signed by parent/guardian.
If you have any questions about these policies, please, contact Mary or Midge.
Tyner Travelers Committee