Celebration and Completion

We’re so glad to have you worshiping with us! We are excited to be completing our sermon series on “Building for the Future” with this service! We have had some wonderful weeks together learning about Nehemiah, the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall, and how Tyner UMC can learn valuable lessons about building for the future. We pray you are blessed by this service as we celebrate the works God has already done and praise Him in faith for the works we know he will do.

Organizing for Success

We’re so glad to have you join us for worship! As we draw near to the end of the series “Building for the Future,” Rev. Amanda Dean continues to lead us through our messages on Nehemiah. In this week’s message, Pastor Amanda shares with us about how Nehemiah and his people organized together for the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem and the lessons we can learn about “Organizing for Success.”


Thank you for joining us for worship! Rev. Dr. Chris Dover joins us in worship to share a message with us as our guest speaker while Pastor Amanda is enjoying a vacation! We are very grateful to him for joining us and for the message he brought us on encountering opposition and how we can handle it as we Build for the Future. God bless you this week!

Let’s Start Rebuilding

Thank you for joining us for worship! We were ecstatic in this worship service to have the principal and a teacher from Tyner Middle Academy join us for worship! It was a great opportunity to celebrate our partnership with them and pray for them. Pastor Amanda continued the Building For the Future series with the message “Let’s Start Rebuilding.”

Assessing the Damage

We’re so glad to have you joining us for worship through this service! Pastor Amanda continues leading us through the series “Building For the Future” with this timely message about our need to recognize what damages are present; we must face the reality of what needs work before we can begin building for the future. We pray this service encourages you!